
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. NISHIKAWA, Fujitani, Y., Miyata, T., Miyata, T.2011Catops hisamatsui (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) captures by a car-net
I. Rutanen1989Catops luteipes Thomson tavattu Inarin Lapista (Cholevidae)
T. Clayhills1989Catops luteipes Thomson tavattu Inarin Lapista (Cholevidae)
M. Blas1981Catops mateui Coiffait (1954) y Catops franzi Jeannel (1961), dos nuevas sinonimias de Catops fuliginosus Erichson (1837) (Col. Catopidae)
H. Donisthorpe1912Catops montivagus, Heer, a british insect
D. K. Kevan1946Catops nigriclavis Gerh. (Col. Cholevidae) new to the british list
K. Sokolowski1935Catops nigrita Er. und nigriclavis Gerh. der Coll. Gerhard (Col. Silphidae)
J. Růžička1993Catops nikodymi sp. n. and notes on Cholevinae from China (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)
L. Zerche1992Catops pirinensis sp. n. aus Bulgarien (Insecta, Coleoptera, Leiodidae: Cholevinae)
A. G. Lebedev1930Catops roubali n. sp
G. C. Champion1904Catops sericatus, Chaud., a british insect
S. Imasaka, Ohtsuka K.2006Catops torigai in the galleries of moles
J. J. Walker1910Catops varicornis Rosenh. in Berkshire
H. SCHWEIGER1949Catops westi Krog., ein für Niederösterreich neuer Käfer (Col. Silphidae)
J. Roubal1936Catopsimorphus (s. str.) mařani sp. n
M. G. Paoletti1978Cenni sulla fauna ipogea delle prealpi bellunesi e colli subalpini
D. Sharp1878Change of generic names
S. Pinto2015Characteristics for identification of larval Cholevinae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae)
F. Walker1858Characters of some apparently undescribed Ceylon insects
J. Jelínek1993Check-list of Czechoslovak Insects IV (Coleoptera)
Y. Bousquet1991Checklist of beetles of Canada and Alaska. Agriculture Canada
F. Angelini2004Chiavi dicotomiche e catalogo delle specie di Agathidium Panzer dell'Asia sudorientale et della Cina (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Agathidiini)
Z. Š. vec2000Chinese species of the genus Leiodes (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Leiodinae)
A. Sermet1958Choleva alpicola n. sp. (Col. Catopidae)
B. DODELIN2004Choleva alpicola Sermet: Coléoptère Leiodidae nouveau en France
H. Britten1918Choleva angustata F. and its allies
H. Britten1922Choleva angustata F. and its allies: supplementary note
J. Breit1903Choleva doderoi nov. spec. Eine neue Art aus Sardinien
K. Sokolowski1941Choleva leucophtalma Fiori (Col. Catopidae) (Catopiden Studien III)
P. Zwick1982Choleva septentrionis septentrionis Jeann. (Cholevidae) nur für Mitteleuropa
H. SCHWEIGER1963Choleva vornatscheri Schweig., neu für Kärnten (col. Catopidae)
K. HARUSAWA2000Cholevid beetles (Coleoptera) collected from Odamiyama, Ehime prefecture
M. NISHIKAWA1985Cholevid beetles collected by Mr. Kazuhiro Sawada from Machadi-shi, Tokyo
M. NISHIKAWA1984Cholevid beetles collected by Mr. Yasutoshi Shibata (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 2)
M. NISHIKAWA1984Cholevid beetles collected on Mt. Hachimori-yama, Nagano pref., central Japan (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 3)
M. NISHIKAWA1993Cholevid beetles collected on Mt. Shinbo-dake, Niigata prefecture (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 7)
M. NISHIKAWA1995Cholevid Beetles Found in a Limestone Cave of Kumamoto Prefecture, Central Kyushu, Southwest Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1986Cholevid beetles from Rishiri-to island and Hokkaido (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 4)
Y. Hayashi, Li L. Z.2006Cholevid beetles from Shanghai, China (Coleoptera: Leiodidae)
M. NISHIKAWA1995Cholevid beetles from the Daisetsu-zan mountains in central Hokkaido, northeast Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1982Cholevid beetles occurring in the Tanzawa Hills, central Honshu, Japan
P. Herger1989Choleviden-Ausbeute 1989 von Ernst Kobel in Lützelflüh und Wynigen, Kanton Bern (Coleoptera, Cholevidae)
A. M{\k{A}}DRA, KONWERSKI, S., SIENKIEWICZ, P., D{\k{A}}BROWICZ, K.2010Cholevinae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) wyżynnego jodłowego boru mieszanego-Abietetum polonicum obwodu ochronnego" Święty Krzyż" w Świętokrzyskim Parku Narodowym
M. NISHIKAWA, Hakura T.2001Cholevine beetles (Leiodidae) found in boxes for wild birds at Obihiro, Hokkaido, north Japan
E. E. Perkovsky, Kuzmina S. A.2001Cholevine beetles of the genus Cholevinus (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from north east Asia since pleistocene till the present
F. Angelini, De Marzo L.1987Chorological notes on the genus Agathidium Panzer 1797 from Nepal (Insecta: Coleoptera: Leiodidae)
M. Lucarelli, Sgro, G., Sbordoni, V.1980Ciclo biologico in laboratorio di tre populazioni cavernicole di Bathysciola derosasi Jeann. (Coleoptera Bathysciinae)
G. (= Müller Müller1941Cinque nuovi silfidi cavernicoli del Carso Adriatico e delle Alpi Giulie
G. Portevin1907Clavicornes nouveaux du groupe des nécrophages


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith