
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. Sahlberg1903Coleoptera mediterranea et rosso-asiatica nova et minus cognita, maxima ex parte itineribus annis 1895-1896 et 1898-1899 collecta
J. Sahlberg1908Coleoptera mediterranea et rosso-asiatica nova et minus cognita, maxima ex parte itineribus annis 1895-1896 et 1898-1899 et 1903-1904 collecta. III
J. Sahlberg1913Coleoptera mediterranea orientalia, quae in Aegypto, Palaestina, Syria, Caramania atque in Anatolia occidentali anno 1904 collegerunt John Sahlberg et Unio Saalas
J. Sahlberg1913Coleoptera balcanica quae mensibus Octobri et Decembri 1903 atque Martis et Aprili 1906 in peninsula balcanica collegerunt John Sahlberg et Unio Saalas
J. Sahlberg1913Messis nova hiemalis Coleopterorum Corcyraeorum. Enumeratio coleopterorum mensibus Novembri-Decembri 1903 in insula corcyra collectorum, quae ibi antea hand vel rarissime observati
J. Sahlberg1913Coleoptera mediterranea et rosso-asiatica nova et minus cognita, maxima ex parte itineribus annis 1895-1896, 1898-1899 et 1903-1904 collecta. IV
J. Růžička, Vávra J.1993The distribution and ecology of the genus Choleva (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) throughout Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia
J. Růžička, Vávra J.1993Rozšíření a ekologie brouků rodu Choleva (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) na území čech, Moravy a Slovenska
J. Růžička, Vávra J.2009Interesting records of small carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from Slovakia
J. Růžička, Shavrin, A., Barševskis, A.2010New records of small carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from Latvia
J. Růžička, Perreau M.2007Morphological variation and distribution of Colon (Myloechus) koghiense (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) from the New Caledonia
J. Růžička, Perreau M.2011A revision of the Chinese Catops Paykull 1798 of the Catops fuscus species group (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae)
J. Růžička, Mlejnek R.2009Small carrion beetle Choleva lederiana lederiana – a glacial relict found in an ice cave at Bezděz
J. Růžička1992Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia, Coleoptera: Leiodidae (Cholevinae)
J. Růžička1993Catops nikodymi sp. n. and notes on Cholevinae from China (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)
J. Růžička1993Notes on faunistics of small carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from Moravia and Slovakia
J. Růžička1993Příspěvek k faunistice brouků podčeledi Cholevinae z Moravy a Slovenska (Coleoptera: Leiodidae)
J. Růžička1993Revision of the subgenus Merodiscus of the genus Ptomaphagus (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae)
J. Růžička1993Three new species of Choleva (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from the Caucasus and Turkey, with a key to species of the cisteloides group
J. Růžička1994A new species of Catopomorphus from Turkey (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae)
J. Růžička1994Notes on Rybinskiella (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) with description of a new species from Kazachstan
J. Růžička1996Brouci (Insecta: Coleoptera) sutí vrchu Plešivec (severní Čechy, CHKO České středohoří)
J. Růžička1997A new species of Attaephilus from Turkey (Coleóptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae)
J. Růžička2000Faunistic records from the Czech republic - 116. Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Platypsyllinae
J. Růžička2000Occurrence of glacial relict species, Choleva lederiana (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) in pseudokarst in Slovakia. In: Mock A., Kovač L. & Fulín M. Fauna jaskýň (Cave fauna)
F. Rüschkamp1914Zur Biologie von Leptinus testaceus Müll. Phoresie oder Ektoparasitismus ? Neue Beobachtungen
F. Rüschkamp1921Zur Biologie der Leptinidae. Ins. Coleopt. Leptinus testaceus Müll., der ``Mäusefloh'
F. Rüschkamp1928Unsere heimischen Anisotomini (Agathidiini)
F. Rüschkamp1930Zur Rheinischen Käferfauna VIII
P. Réveillet1974Note sur les Cytodromus Abeille (Col. Bathysciinae) et description d'une forme nouvelle
P. Réveillet1980Les Coléoptères souterrains du Vercors (France S E) essai de biogéographie
E. C. Rye1864New british species, corrections, & c., noticed since the publication of the Entomologist's Annual, 1863
E. C. Rye1865New british species, corrections of nomenclature, & c., noticed since the publication of the Entomologist's annual, 1864
E. C. Rye1865Anisotoma silesiaca
E. C. Rye1865Occurrence of Anisotoma Triepkei in Britain
E. C. Rye1865Occurrence of Choleva longula in Britain
E. C. Rye1866New british species, corrections of nomenclature, & c., noticed since the publication of the Entomologist's annual, 1865
E. C. Rye1870New british species, corrections of nomenclature, etc., noticed since the publication of the Entomologist's Annual, 1869
E. C. Rye1871Description of new species, & c., of Coleoptera from Britain
E. C. Rye1872Note on the occurrence in England of Hydnobius spinipes, Gyll
E. C. Rye1872Description of a new species of Anisotoma from Great Britain
E. C. Rye1872Notes on the occurrence of Anisotoma scita, Er. in Great Britain
E. C. Rye1873Notes on Anisotomidae, with descriptions of three new species (two from Japan and one from Great Britain)
E. C. Rye1876Notes on Anisotomidae, with descriptions of three new species (from Scotland, Siberia, and Algiers).-N\deg 2
M. Rybiński1902Coleopterum species novae, minusve cognitae, in Galicia inventae
M. Rybiński1902Coleopterum species novae, minusve cognitae, in Galicia inventae
I. Rutanen1989Catops luteipes Thomson tavattu Inarin Lapista (Cholevidae)
L. K. Russell1979Beetles associated with slime molds (Mycetozoa) in Oregon and California (Coleoptera: Leiodidae, Sphindidae, Lathridiidae)
E. Rusdea1989Dynamique de la population de Pholeuon (s. str.) knirschi Breit (Coleoptera, Bathyciinae) de la grotte Ghetarul de la Vîrtop (mont du Bihor, Roumanie)
S. Ruffo1938Studio sulla fauna cavernicola della regione veronese


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith