
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Hlisnikovský1964Die Gattung Xanthosphaera Fairm. (Leiodidae, Coleoptera)
J. Hlisnikovský1964Die Untergattung Oreosphaerula Gangl. der Gattung Liodes Latr. (Coleoptera, Liodidae)
J. Hlisnikovský1964Die Gattung Aglyptinus Cock. (Coleoptera, Liodidae, Agathidiini)
J. Hlisnikovský1964Die Gattung Ansibaris Reitt. (Coleoptera, Liodidae, Agathidiini)
J. Hlisnikovský1964Neue Liodidae (Coleoptera) aus Neu Guinea II
J. Hlisnikovský1964The zoological results of Gy. Topal's Collectings of South Argentina 12. Liodidae (Coleoptera)
J. Hlisnikovský1964The zoological results of Gy. Topal's Collectings of South Argentina 11. Silphidae (Coleoptera)
J. Hlisnikovský1964Monographische Bearbeitung der Gattung Agathidium Panzer (Coleoptera)
J. Hlisnikovský1963Neue Liodidae (Coleoptera) aus Neu-Guinea I
J. Hlisnikovský19632. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Tribus Agathidiini (Col., Liodidae: Die Gattung Sphaeroliodes Portevin
J. Hlisnikovský1942Coleopterologische Notizen
J. Hlisnikovský1942Prionochaeta Roubali Hlisn. spec. nov. (Col. Silph.)
J. Hlisnikovský, Angelini F.1983Three new species of Agathidium from North Africa (Coleoptera, Liodidae)
J. H. Hochhuth1872Enumeration der in den russichen Gouvernement Kiew und Volhynien bisher aufgefundenen Käfer III
K. Holdhaus1902Übersicht der mitteleuropäischen Liodes-Arten aus der Verwandtschaft von L. hybrida Er.
H. O. Holstebroe1915De danske Arter af Slaegten Colon
H. O. Holstebroe1914Tillaeg till ``De danske Arter af Slaegten Choleva Latreille''
H. O. Holstebroe1910De danske Arter af Slaegten Choleva Latreille
G. R. Hopping1949Parasitic coleoptera
A. Horion1970Zehnter Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der mitteleuropäischen Käfer
A. Horion1935Nachtrag zur Fauna germanica, die Käfer des deutschen Reiches
W. Horn1921Et Meminisse et vaticinari liceat
G. H. Horn1896Coleoptera of Baja California (supplement I.)
G. H. Horn1894Note on Platypsyllus
G. H. Horn1892Random studies in North American Coleoptera
G. H. Horn1890The ultimate larva of Platypsyllus
G. H. Horn1888Descriptions of the larvae of Glyptus, Platypsylla and Polyphylla
G. H. Horn1885Contributions to the Coleopterology of the United States, n\deg 4
G. H. Horn1883Miscellaneous notes and short studies of North American Coleoptera
G. H. Horn1882Notes on some little known Genera and species of Coleoptera
G. H. Horn1880Note sur les genres Adelops et Bathyscia
G. H. Horn1880Synopsis of the Silphidae of the United States with reference to the genera of other countries
G. H. Horn1872Descriptions of some new North American Coleoptera
G. H. Horn1868New species of Coleoptera from the Pacific District of the United States
H. HOSHINA2009A new species of the genus Sciodrepoides (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from Japan
H. HOSHINA2009A taxonomic revision of the subfamily Coloninae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) from Japan and Taiwan
H. HOSHINA2009Taxonomical notes on the genus Besuchetionella (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Japan
H. HOSHINA2009On the taxonomy of the genus Agathidium (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) in the Ryukyus, Japan
H. HOSHINA2008A new blind genus of the tribe Pseudoliodini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Japan, with descriptions of three new species
H. HOSHINA2003Discovery of the subfamily Coloninae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from the Ryukyus, Japan, with description of a new species
H. HOSHINA2003Discovery of a fourth Japanese species of the genus Besuchetionella (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Shikoku
H. HOSHINA2002A new species of the genus Agathidium (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Kyushu, Japan
H. HOSHINA2002A new genus of the tribe Sogdini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leiodinae) from Japan, with description of a new species
H. HOSHINA2002First record of the genus Besuchetionella (Coleoptera Leiodidae) from the Ryukyus, Japan, with description of a new species
H. HOSHINA2001Additional localities of Agathidium (Neoceble) akemiae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Honshu, Japan
H. HOSHINA2001Description of a new Neoceble species of the genus Agathidium (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) from northern Honshu, Japan
H. HOSHINA2000A taxonomic study of the subgenus Neoceble (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Agathidium) from Kyushu, Japan
H. HOSHINA2000New record of Anisotoma besucheti (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Kyushu, Japan
H. HOSHINA1999Record of Agathidium (Microceble) carinatum (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Kyushu, Japan
H. HOSHINA1999A taxonomic study of the genera Dermatohomoeus and Colenis (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from Japan


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith