
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. (= Müller Müller1911Ein neuer bosnischer Parapropus
G. (= Müller Müller1910Diagnosen neuer Höhlensilphiden
G. (= Müller Müller1909Sechs neue Höhlenkäfer aus den südlischen Kalkalpen, dem istro-dalmatinischen Karstgebiet und dem Balkan
G. (= Müller Müller1908Bathyscia Khevenhülleri Mill. und Freyeri Mill., ihre systematische Stellung und ihre Rassen
G. (= Müller Müller1907Bemerkungen zu der neunen Auflage des ``Catalogus Coleopterum Europae etc.' von Dr. Von Heyden, Reitter und Weise (Paskau 1906)
G. (= Müller Müller1905Vier neue Höhlenkäfer aus dem österr. Litorale
G. (= Müller Müller1904Nuovi coleotteri cavernicoli del Litorale
G. (= Müller Müller1904Zur Kenntnis der Koleopterenfauna der österreichischen Küstenländer
G. (= Müller Müller1904Zwei neue Höhlensilphiden von der Balkanhalbinsen
G. (= Müller Müller1903Beschreibungen neuer dalmatinischer Koleopteren
G. (= Müller Müller1903Über neue Höhlenkäfer aus Dalmatien. Resultate der im Sommer 1903 unternommenen Forschungen in dalmatinischen Höhlen
G. (= Müller Müller1903Die Koleopterengattung Apholeuonus Reitt. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der dalmatinischen Höhlenfauna
G. (= Müller Müller1901Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Höhlensilphiden
H. Müller1857Über die Lebensweise der Augenlosen Käfer in der Krainer Höhlen
P. W. J. Müller1817Bemerkung über einige Insekten
T. G. Münster1930Tillaeg till Bergens-distrikternes Koleopterfauna
T. G. Münster1921Tillaeg til Norges Koleopterfauna
T. G. Münster1911Bidrag til Norges Coleopterfauna
T. Nakane1997On the Catops species collected from the caves of Japan (Coleoptera: Catopidae)
T. Nakane1995Notes on some little-known beetles in Japan. 13
T. Nakane1989Notes on some little-known beetles (Coleoptera) in Japan, 5
T. Nakane1982New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. XXXV.
T. Nakane1978New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, XXIX
T. Nakane1964in: Kaminura T., Nakane T. & Koyama N., seasonal and altitudinal distribution of beetles in Mt. Jônen, the Japan Alps, with description of new species, 1 (Studies on the insects of high mountains, 3)
T. Nakane1963in: T. Nakane, K. Ohbayashi, S. Nomura, Y. Kurosawa, Iconographia insectorum japonicum Colore naturali edita, volume 2, Coleoptera
T. Nakane1963New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions XXI
T. Nakane1956New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions, 13
T. Nakane1954New or little known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent regions. X. Description of of some new species from Shikoku, Japan
O. Nakládal2011Results of beetles (Coleoptera) survey of Zástudánčí National Nature Reserve (Central Moravia) 2008 – part 1
L. R. Natvig1921En eiendommelig bille, som lever paa baeveren
V. Neumann, Piechocki R.1985Morphologische und histologische Untersuchungen an den Larvenstadien von Platypsyllus castoris Ritsema (Coleoptera, Leptinidae)
E. Newman1833Entomological Notes
A. F. Newton1983New generic synonymies, new combinations, and distributional comments on Leiodini (Coleoptera: Leiodidae)
A. F. Newton1982Agathidiodes Portevin, new synonym of Stetholiodes Fall (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Anisotomini)
A. F. Newton1981New name for the extinct genus Mesagyrtes Ponomarenko (Coleoptera: Silphidae s.l.)
A. F. Newton, Thayer M. K.1992Current classification and family-group names in Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera)
M. NISHIKAWA2010Hind wing polymorphism confirmed in the Coloninae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)
M. NISHIKAWA2007A new Catops (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) from the Daba Shan mountains of south Shaanxi, central China
M. NISHIKAWA2000Carrion beetles (Agyrtidae, Leiodidae, Silphidae) obtained during the biological expedition to the Kamchatka peninsula and the north Kuril islands
M. NISHIKAWA1998Catops angustipes apicalis (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) found in an ant nest
M. NISHIKAWA1997Occurrence of a Sciodrepoides species (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) on the Islands of Tsu-shima, West Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1997Sciodrepoides watsoni (Spence) (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from the Kuril Archipelago
M. NISHIKAWA1995Cholevid Beetles Found in a Limestone Cave of Kumamoto Prefecture, Central Kyushu, Southwest Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1995Cholevid beetles from the Daisetsu-zan mountains in central Hokkaido, northeast Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1995New Cave dwelling Catops (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from the Abukuma Hills, Central Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1994Rediscovery of Cholevodes tenuitarsis Portevin (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from Honshu, Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1993Cholevid beetles collected on Mt. Shinbo-dake, Niigata prefecture (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 7)
M. NISHIKAWA1993Occurrence of a New Apterous Species of Ptomaphagus (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) in Taiwan
M. NISHIKAWA1992Two noticeable records of Catops (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from Kyushu, southwest Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1992New records of Cholevid Beetles from Sado-ga-shima Island off the Japan Sea Coast of Honshu


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith