
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. NISHIKAWA1992New lowland Sciodrepoides (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from the Kwantô Plains, central Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1990Life of small carrion beetles
M. NISHIKAWA1989New records of Micronemadus pusillimus (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from Malaysia and Indonesia
M. NISHIKAWA1988The northern limit of distribution of Micronemadus pusillimus (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 6)
M. NISHIKAWA1986Cholevid beetles from Rishiri-to island and Hokkaido (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 4)
M. NISHIKAWA1986Notes on Catops spinipennis Nakane (Catopidae)
M. NISHIKAWA1985Cholevid beetles collected by Mr. Kazuhiro Sawada from Machadi-shi, Tokyo
M. NISHIKAWA1984Cholevid beetles collected on Mt. Hachimori-yama, Nagano pref., central Japan (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 3)
M. NISHIKAWA1984Sciodrepoides tsukamotoi and its male genitalia
M. NISHIKAWA1984Cholevid beetles collected by Mr. Yasutoshi Shibata (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 2)
M. NISHIKAWA1983A review of the distribution of Catopodes fuscifrons (Kraatz) (Addenda)
M. NISHIKAWA1983Catopid beetles associated with deer carrion
M. NISHIKAWA1982A review of the distribution of Catopodes fuscifrons (Kraatz)
M. NISHIKAWA1982Cholevid beetles occurring in the Tanzawa Hills, central Honshu, Japan
M. NISHIKAWA1982A new locality of Catops sparcepunctatus Jeannel
M. NISHIKAWA, Cho Y. B.2000Three new Catops (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) from south Korea, with a preliminary check-list of the subfamily Cholevinae known from Korea
M. NISHIKAWA, Fujitani, Y., Miyata, T., Miyata, T.2011Catops hisamatsui (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) captures by a car-net
M. NISHIKAWA, Hakura T.2001Cholevine beetles (Leiodidae) found in boxes for wild birds at Obihiro, Hokkaido, north Japan
M. NISHIKAWA, HOSHINA H.2001Occurrence of Cholevinae beetles (Leiodidae) in the island of Okinawa-hontô, the Ryukyus
M. NISHIKAWA, Imasaka S.1987Mesocatops japonicus from Shimo-koshiki-jima Island, SW Japan (Distributional records of the Cholevidae 6)
M. NISHIKAWA, LAFER G. S.2000Notes on Catops lydiae Iablokoff-Khnzorian (Coleoptera, Cholevidae) from the russian far east and north Japan
M. NISHIKAWA, Mizota, K., Mohamed, M.2000A new Rafflesia associate: Micronemadus pusillimus (Kraatz) (Coleoptera, Leiodidae), and its additional records from the Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia
I. V. A. NJUNJIĆ, PERRARD, A., HENDRIKS, K., SCHILTHUIZEN, M., Perreau, M., MERCKX, V., BAYLAC, M., DEHARVENG, L.2018Comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the Anthroherpon radiation (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini)
I. V. A. NJUNJIĆ, PERRARD, A., HENDRIKS, K., SCHILTHUIZEN, M., Perreau, M., MERCKX, V., BAYLAC, M., DEHARVENG, L.2018Clone of Comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the Anthroherpon radiation (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini)
I. V. A. NJUNJIĆ, Perreau, M., HENDRIKS, K., DEHARVENG, L.2016The cave beetle genus Anthroherpon is polyphyletic; molecular phylogenetics and description of Graciliella n. gen. (Leiodidae, Leptodirini)
I. V. A. NJUNJIĆ, Perreau, M., PAVIĆEVIĆ, D. R. A. G. A. N.2015Two new species of the genus Anthroherpon Reitter, 1889 from northern Montenegro with notes on the “A. ganglbaueri” species group (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Leptodirini)
I. V. A. NJUNJIĆ, SCHILTHUIZEN, M., PAVIĆEVIĆ, D. R. A. G. A. N., Perreau, M.2017Further clarifications to the systematics of the cave beetle genera Remyella and Rozajella (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini)
K. Noesske1914Parantrophilon spelaebatoïdes nov. gen. nov. spec., eine blinde Bathysciinae (Silphide) aus Höhlen der Südwest-Herzegowina
P. Nohel1969A contribution to the knowledge of the Coleoptera in southern Moravia 1
G. Nonveiller1981Pseudobathyscidius serbicus Karaman 1964 aus Ostsibirien? (Bathysciinae, Catopidae, Coleoptera)
G. Nonveiller, Pavićević D.1999Tartariella durmitorensis n. gen. et n. sp. troisième Leptodirini de la chaîne dinarique à moeurs hadésiennes (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)
G. Nonveiller, Pavićević, D., Popović, M.2000Les Cholevinae des territoires de l'ancienne Yougoslavie (excepté les Leptodirini) (Coleoptera Staphylinoidea Leiodidae) - aperçu faunistique -
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H. Normand1938Contribution au catalogue des Coléoptères de la Tunisie (13e fascicule)
H. Normand1934Contribution au catalogue des Coléoptères de la Tunisie. Fascicule 3
H. Normand1907Nouveaux Coléoptères de la faune française (quatrième note)
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H. Notman1921Some new genera and species of Coleoptera collected at Westfield, Chautauca Co., N. Y
H. Notman1920Coleoptera collected at Schoharie, N. Y., june 9-14, 1918, with descriptions of new species
H. Notman1919Coleoptera collected at Cochrane, northern Ontario, August 22-30, 1918, with descriptions of six new species
P. Novak1964I Coleotteri della Dalmazia
B. Novák1976Diurnale Aktivität zweier Coleoptera-Arten aus der Auwald-Laubstreu (Col. Silphidae et Staphilinidae)
M. Nunberg1987Leiodidae. Klucze do oznaczania Owadów Polski.
J. Obenberger1917II. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Käferfauna
J. Obenberger1914Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Käferfauna
J. Ochs1949Diagnoses préliminaires de quelques Coléoptères nouveaux des Alpes maritimes et des basses Alpes
J. R. Olive1950Some parasites of the prairie mole, Scalopus aquaticus machrinus (rafinesque)
E. Olivier1909Habitat du Leptinus testaceus
A. S. Olliff1889Contributions towards a knowledge of the Coleoptera of Australia, no. V-- on certain species belonging to unrecorded genera


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith