Ptomaphagus dacicus
(Description based on the identification key in Jeannel, 1936)
• Habitus short-oval, neither convex nor flattened
• The pronotum broad, sides curved in the basal part
• Elytra short, one and a half times as long as wide, more or less narrowed at the end
• Antennal club concolorous
• 2nd antennomere longer and broader than the 3rd
• 9th antennomere more than twice as broad as the 3rd
• Sutural angle of the elytra rounded, also in the female
• 2nd antennomere at least twice as long as broad
• Flattened habitus
• Pronotum wide
• Elytra wedge-shaped, the sides hardly curved
• Antennae longish, with reddish, hardly widened club
• 5th antennomere as long as broad
• 6th antennomere hardly broader than long
• Striae rasp-like, relatively sparsely placed: 40 striae along the length of the pronotum
• Metatibiae straight, the inner edge perfectly straight
• Apex of the penis short, with a nearly perfectly rounded blade
• 2.8 mm